September bouquet share 2025
Indulge yourself with a month of bouquets featuring the star of late summer, dahlias. September bouquets, with their vibrant hues, spark a smile with every glance and bring a colorful weekly ritual of beauty to your home. I bring in new varieties every year, always searching for new gorgeous colors and textures to complement the rest of the fall garden. Your dahlia subscription starts September 4th and runs four weeks straight until September 25th.
Indulge yourself with a month of bouquets featuring the star of late summer, dahlias. September bouquets, with their vibrant hues, spark a smile with every glance and bring a colorful weekly ritual of beauty to your home. I bring in new varieties every year, always searching for new gorgeous colors and textures to complement the rest of the fall garden. Your dahlia subscription starts September 4th and runs four weeks straight until September 25th.
Indulge yourself with a month of bouquets featuring the star of late summer, dahlias. September bouquets, with their vibrant hues, spark a smile with every glance and bring a colorful weekly ritual of beauty to your home. I bring in new varieties every year, always searching for new gorgeous colors and textures to complement the rest of the fall garden. Your dahlia subscription starts September 4th and runs four weeks straight until September 25th.
Flowers will be available for pickup at your choice of location: my place in Cold Lake north, Cold Lake South public library, or H&R Block in Bonnyville. Pick up day is Thursday from noon until 6pm in CL north, noon until 8pm in CL south and noon until 5pm in Bonnyville.